Planning and writing a catering concept

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Establish a new catering array or upgrade an existing array

Establish a new catering array or upgrade an existing array is a complex process, which requires knowledge, attention to detail, and a real ability to turn an idea into reality. It involves high costs, which can run into millions of shekels. Until now, prevailing practice was to hire the services of a kitchen designer and ask him to design a catering array that the organization would use for years to come. The difference lies in the work of the kitchen designers, however extensive their knowledge, but who are not food consultants or engaged in routine operations, do not write catering specifications or understand the wishes of diners, portion costs, operating problems, and so on. As a consequence, we see many cases in which the catering array, in which many resources have been invested, including time, money, and space, are simply operationally unsuitable and do not provide a response to the high-quality catering and innovation that the organization has expected to receive. provides a response to these issues in advance!

FoodBiz’s solution

FoodBiz can think about the organization’s needs in advance. We can translate the need for a catering concept that suits the organization, convert the wishes into reality in the face of market prices, reflect the changes in the catering world, personnel needs to operate the array, and more... Together, they will save the organization tens to hundreds of thousands of shekels in setting up or upgrading an array that does not conform to reality, and includes, among other things, either unnecessary or a lack of equipment. FoodBiz will write for you a (basic) program for your kitchen designer, taking into account thoughtful consideration that includes prior planning based on many years experience in Israel’s catering world and comparison with similar projects we have carried out and adapt to your organization. FoodBiz is not a replacement for the kitchen designers, but works with them, shoulder to shoulder, overseeing the designers’ work for you to turn your dream into a reality.