Catering consultation services and support
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Professionalism in the food industry
Thousands of organizations providing hundreds of thousands a meals a day currently operate in Israel. Food services are highly complex operations, mainly because of the need to integrate infrastructures, equipment, people, food, quality, and service into a single and functioning ensemble. FoodBiz has been specializing in these organizations for years. Its understanding of the food industry “from the field to the plate” enables us to provide a comprehensive and holistic service in the market: only someone familiar with the inside of a kitchen and the operation of large and complex catering systems can understand how to manage them. Your choosing FoodBiz is a professional choice.
Our Service
FoodBiz provides professional oversight services for organizations and entities which feed the employees of Israel’s largest companies. FoodBiz’s management system comprises veteran professionals, a clinical dietician, and expert chefs who meticulously maintain the highest standards in the industry, even as understand the customers’ changing requirements and production options at the different sites.
We advise the setup, production, operations, and quality processes of dining rooms and service providers, and we offer professional advice on major considerations: kitchen licensing procedures, the production chain and its impact on the organization, food supplier management, development of new services or products, and so forth. Our oversight processes emphasize the critical points in production management: how to prepare food, risk assessment in the kitchen, conducting culinary inspections, conforming to health standards, temperature control and the weight of portions, service, and so forth.
Catering services advice and support
FoodBiz provides professional advice and support for dozens of catering systems for diverse industry leaders in Israel in three aspects: culinary, business, andquality. At the culinary level, many years experience in the food industry enables us to provide comprehensive solutions to businesses in the sector - from preparing menus and analyzing potions to the need to serve the best portions to the most successful business or service organization. At the business level, we review business plans and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the business. At the quality, we advise the organization on the training, management, and control needed to conform to required quality standard.