Healthy nutrition

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Healthy nutrition at an organization

Healthy nutrition has not been a passing fad for a long time now. In recent years, there has been an increasing organizational, media, and social engagement in new forms of healthy nutrition: diversifying kinds of food, recommended meal times, reduced consumption of saturated foods, growing demand for cereals, fruits and vegetables, and whole foods, linking an organization’s catering services to workouts, labeling nutritional values on portions, reducing fats in food, and so on. FoodBiz provides three mail levels of service: adapting the menu to health needs, establishing better communications with diners, and improving work methods and ingredients. In the first step, we characterize the needs of the client and the diners. In this step, meetings are held to coordinate expectations, observe, and analyze the catering array. 

Adapting the menu to health needs

Adapting the menu to health needs is a critical step in achieving healthy nutrition for the organization’s employees. Here, we emphasize adding healthy whole foods, a variety of fruits and vegetables, adding whole carbohydrates, lean meat, and main dishes that are adapted to the consumer seeking a balanced menu. Updating the menu does not mean loss of taste or appealing to just one clientele, but the precise combination of flavors that make culinary sense to present together.

Nutritional information for diners

Establishing good communications with the customers at the nutritional level means presenting the full information the diner needs in order to make an independent decision about the kind of food he needs. For example, it is possible to provide the nutritional value and advantages next to the dish, provide an explanation sheet about proper eating, display signs about proper nutrition on the tables, offer nutritional explanations on the organization’s catering portal, and so forth.

Good manufacturing practice

Finally, good nutrition begins with the right production of the food. Hence, there is a need to train the cooking team and adapt the current work methods to methods suited to a balanced menu. For example, there is a tendency to cook in large amounts of oil and soup powder, which are unnecessary, prefer fatty meat or offer sweet desserts over fruit. These are just a few examples of the many measures that can be applied in a kitchen, which can be adapted over time.